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About Us


Starry-eyed Dreamers envisioning Way of the Heart Woods

We are Troubadours of Divine Bliss, a folk duo that sings of the joy of sublime Love.   

We freed our dream over 23 years ago and found our purpose to inspire courage of the heart and revolution of the spirit!  We know we are here to encourage soul fulfillment and the development of each person's sacred way.

We have traveled internationally for 2 decades as musicians,  ministers, inspirational speakers, retreat leaders and soul guides ready to serve countless people across the globe in multi-faceted ways. 


Our most recent "way" of serving is our retreat land, Way of the Heart Woods, a sacred community sanctuary for silent contemplation, group retreats, workshops, family gatherings and more!

Way of the Heart Woods is a Forest Preserve hosting retreats on Mystical Ecology, Spiritual Rejuvenation, Community Building, Education, Creativity and all that deepens the Way of the Heart.

We are all familiar with the saying, “If you follow your Bliss, the Universe will open doors where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell Also “where there is a will there is a way” ...this phrase originated from a proverb from the 1600s which said, “To him that will, ways are not wanting”.   
As Troubadours, we have practiced this philosophy for 23 years of our music making journey.   We have found that as we continued to take steps in faith to follow our bliss and pursue our purpose- the way was opened up to us and we were given the direction to continue traveling and making music for a living.  Over and over again our willingness to keep walking in the dream has been rewarded with opportunities, protection, and provision.   
In going back and reading or listening to early interviews, we have always said that music was a vessel for us to pour a message through and a way for us to reach into hearts and offer a healing, affirmative message of hope.  It has been and continues to be a way for us to connect to your hearts and encourage you to follow yours to fulfillment and bliss. 
Music has and always will be a facet of our purpose.  Over the years we have tried to stay open to expanding the ways we are here to serve.  We have prayed and the answers have come to us as workshops, retreats, community festivals, open mics, public speaking, personal counseling and life coaching and other community outreaches.   
One of the things that we have been feeling strongly for years and absolutely know is a part of our purpose is to develop a healing retreat center... a gathering place for Eco, Spiritual, Creative, Personal & Family communion with a heart for those with special needs in a safe, nurturing and natural environment for spiritual growth and communal fellowship.  


We have been envisioning this for many years and waiting on some acreage adjoining ours to become available so that the development could begin. In January 2018 that dream came true and we became stewards of the land.  Since that day, we have been walking into its purpose!  We believe that as we live in our purpose and keep in step with the path of our hearts, a way will be made and our dreams will come is coming true and we want to introduce to you our retreat land, Way of the Heart Woods


Our hearts are open to yours and we welcome you to Way of the Heart Woods!


Aim Me and Renee



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